The Notion that Our Children are Given to Us On Loan
There is a saying to this effect, and I believe it’s true! When I became a parent each time, I looked at my newborn daughters in those first hours and thought something to the effect, “What a gift I’ve been given! God, I promise to protect and guide this child of Yours. Thank you for placing Your trust in me.” And that’s just it—our children are in our charge, but they are not our property. We never realize how short the time we have them under our wings really is until it is time for them to leave the nest.
On Trusting the Instincts and
Intuition of Young Adult Children
My children are smart, and a lot savvier than I was at their
age. The Internet has helped tremendously, in that young adults today can
easily research, plan and prepare themselves for almost any undertaking they
want to experience. My husband always
reminds me that the foundation is there, and so I know that while they may make
some mistakes and take some chances that make me cringe, they have a strong
foundation from which to gain their footing again if they begin to slip or fall.
After all, what were all those years teaching them to be aware of their
surroundings and warning them about life’s dangers for if not to prepare them
to go explore the world? Whenever I start to panic, I think, "What would my
daughter do based on what she knows is right and the experience she has?" And
usually, I am much comforted when I remind myself that they both have strong
instincts and intuition. They are smart and very capable young women.
Letting Go and Trusting that Our Children
Will Be Safe
Whenever parents begin to worry about their young adult
children’s safety and well-being, they can quickly get themselves all worked
up, imagining the worst possible scenarios and consequences for their children.
Oftentimes, most of our worst imaginings don’t even come to fruition, and
situations they get themselves into, in actuality, turn out to be far more
reasonable and even interesting than we give our young adult children credit
for. For me, I have to have a little sit-down with myself to reassure my "inner mommy” that if I just have faith and trust (in God, in my case), my children
will be kept safe from harm and will return to me soon—on their own time, of
Encouraging our Children to See the World and Live
Life Fully
When we’ve done our job as parents (I do realize a parent’s
job is never done, but in this case, I mean raise them until they are ready to
leave the nest), we need to step back and let our children explore the world
that we’ve worked so hard to prepare them to navigate. It’s not easy! We want
to give sage advice and omniscient warnings, and if our children are receptive,
we should. But, there is a fine line in doing this and in micro-managing our
adult children’s lives. We need to learn to let go of the control we once had
over our children’s lives in order to give them a chance to make their own way.
When Young Adults Embark on their
Own Adult Journeys
Living in the Middle East now for two years, I have a very
different viewpoint on what is an appropriate age to expect our children to
have gained all the skills and resources to enter the adult world. In America,
as in many western cultures, a young person can enter the adult world and
become fully independent by age 18 in many cases. Many take this leap after
they finish university, at around age 22 or so. In the Middle East, however,
most young adults live at home, or in a flat connected to the family home,
until they marry, and that can occur at any age from 18 and up to 40 or older!
No “boomerang babies” here…they just don’t leave the nest! Personally, I think
somewhere in the middle of these two traditions is just about right. Middle
Eastern young adults have the encouragement and support of immediate and
extended family as they gradually explore life as an adult. Family units are often
stronger, and adult children don’t feel embarrassed or reticent to come to family for
help or guidance, as is the case with many children in the U.S. who either
choose or are expected to move out of their parents’ home at a younger
age. To prove they have been a success
or are mature enough to cope with adulthood, many American young adults
struggle unnecessarily, feeling that they don’t have a right to their family’s
support, or that their parents won’t provide it if they are in need. Many
others, especially in today’s economy, struggle with feelings of failure or inadequacy when
they can’t make it on their own and have to rely on their parents for temporary support.
Here in the Middle East, it’s different—it's just a given that parents will be there for their children of any age, and there is a mutually caring relationship in which parents
know their children will care for them in return when they are in need. No
matter at what age our young adult children leave our homes, it would be
wonderful if they could do so with our blessings, wisdom and support, knowing
we always have their backs—while keeping healthy boundaries, of course.
There are Many Ways to Live a Productive,
Satisfying Life.
Most parents have a vision of the best possible path for their
children, and it often begins with a higher education in a marketable field,
which will hopefully provide them with the means to live a happy, successful
life. Many of us as parents also hope our children will go on to marry and give
us adorable grandchildren someday. But what happens when our children decide to
deviate from the “prescribed path?” Suppose they decide to take a gap year to
travel, for instance, or work at a job we don’t deem valuable as part of a
future career path. What if they have no interest in marriage, or even children
for that matter? How can parents let go of their expectations and desires for
their children’s futures, and learn to honor and accept the individual choices
of their children, however reckless or ill-planned they may think those choices
are? It goes back to the attempts parents often make to try to prevent their
children from experiencing any difficulty or disappointment in life, or trying
to “save” them from life's hassles, because “we KNOW, we’ve been there and done
that” or, “We know what we’re talking about; just listen to us!” Helicopter
parenting at its finest, I say. Some children will easily accept the advice of
their parents; if you have one of these children, count yourself lucky, for you will worry just a bit less than other parents. But many other children will not automatically heed their parents' warnings, needing instead to experience things on their
own in order to understand or learn a valuable lesson. Whatever path they choose in
life, I think most parents can agree that what we want most for our children is
for them to be happy and healthy. With those two things under their belts,
success is sure to follow.
When Thoughts Get Dark…Just Don’t
Go There!
As a parent of two very adventurous and independent
daughters, I worry. Among many things, I worry that they are wearing sunscreen,
that they are staying hydrated and well nourished and getting plenty of sleep,
that they aren’t getting their hearts broken, and that they are keeping company
with good people who will be positive influences in their lives. I worry that
they will get distracted in life, and not pursue and complete a higher education, or that they are too
stressed out in this crazy world we live in. I worry that they miss me as much
as I miss them. I worry. And when they are out of touch for too long (typically
for more than 3 days), I panic. I know my girls and their routines, and what is
typical behavior for them. I know when they are in a funk, or need to retreat
and find solitude, and I try to honor that need for space. But sometimes I
panic! So, when thoughts get dark, I have to consciously tell myself, “Just
don’t go there!” The mind is a powerful thing, and it can imagine elaborate and
tortuous scenarios in a mother’s mind. My husband assures me that there are
probably 100 possible scenarios that are keeping my daughters, who are my very life and
breath, from staying in touch with me. And usually, he’s right. They are busy
living their lives, and not pining over their mother. For a mother, it’s
different. We may think of our children, no matter what age, in a hundred or
more mini-thoughts, memories and mind wanderings per day. This is our blessing
and our curse.
“A Worried Mother Does Better Research
than the FBI!”
I found a graphic that had this quote on it and I laughed and
saved it, but I have to tell you, in my case, it’s true. Both of my girls have
given me the gracious gift of allowing me the opportunity to hone my research
skills over the years. In both cases, the girls were fine. Thank God for
technology and the Internet, though. A quick message from them of their plans or itineraries and the occasional "proof of life" photo posted on social media are usually sufficient to put me at ease.
More Internal Dialogue: “Relax,
the Girls Will Be Fine. Breathe. Exhale.”
Here is another example of a self-soothing mantra I have to
recite when I am in a panic about my girls. At the end of the day, I know this
is true. I trust them, and I trust God to protect them, and to keep me sane.
When you raise children who like to explore like my two girls do—to climb to
unimaginable heights and then sometimes jump from those heights, or descend
into dark, damp caves, to go fast and stop quickly, to navigate murky or
fast-flowing waters, or go to very crowded places surrounded by strange people
(“They’re not strange, Mom, they’re different”),
or to shoot handguns and semi-automatic rifles (only one of my girls, I think), etc., you
learn to manage small panic attacks. You also learn to enjoy the long exhale of
relief when you hear they have made it through their experiences unscathed; who
knew a mother could hold her breath for so long? You mainly learn not to get mad
at them for scaring you, but to instead just be thankful that they are safe and
enjoying life. Though it does help when they tell you what they did after the fact, I must
Wow! Look at all the Amazing Things
our Children are Experiencing!
What could be better than reminiscing about all the fun
things we did in our youth than watching our own children do some of those same
things, and perhaps even more exhilarating things than we had the guts or opportunities to do? I am so inspired by my two daughters and their zest for life, their
courage and bravery, and their lack of inhibition. They have goals and they
take life seriously, but they also know how to find balance by incorporating
lots of playtime and exploration into their lives. I am happy for them, and am often inspired by them to live life more fully, intentionally and authentically.
Listening to and Learning from
our Children
I love to hear my daughters’ stories of their latest capers
and encounters. They get involved in some interesting activities, meet
fascinating people, and partake in exciting experiences. They are learning about many topics that are new to me, and some of which I have a basic knowledge, so our
conversations are very stimulating. I find
that there is a lot to learn from my young adult daughters, and I cherish the
times when they open up and share with me about their perspectives and thoughts
on a variety of subjects. It’s always interesting to me to stand back and look
at my daughters and the women they have become, both the ways they have changed
as they have been exposed to new things over the years, and the ways they have
stayed exactly the same: expressions, habits and preferences. When I watch them
sleep, in the same positions they did as children, they are still the small girls that let me cuddle them. Now, when we
snuggle in bed to watch a movie or to chat, I feel like the luckiest person on
Thank God for Social Media and Cell
Many miles separate me from my daughters, and several time
zones. Coordinating regular phone calls is not always practical, and sometimes
not preferable, as we seem to prefer organic conversations. That being said, we talk often: when
we have news to share, when we miss each other, when we need advice from each
other, when we need to vent, when we have a funny story to relay, and often
just to check in with each other. Without social media and online communication
applications, we would have a much harder time staying in touch, and probably
feel much more disconnected. While it is not a perfect arrangement, and I miss
my daughters every single day, I am very grateful for the many ways I have of staying
in touch with them. I can track their activities (yes, I stalk my girls on
social media) and be a silent observer of their lives, knowing they are safe
and happy. Sometimes, that's all a mommy needs to know.